Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Yea so books are expensive........

Today was my first day of class, I woke up around 8 o'clock this morning packed my bag and made my way across to the Neyland Stadium because the School of Journalism building is just beside it. I must say it's awesome walking to class because there is so much activity and I know I am getting closer to class because the stadium keeps getting bigger and bigger!
Once arrived at the Journalism School I entered through the main door, everybody was reading the daily UT paper entitled 'The Daily Beacon' it is a free student paper made for the students by the students. As I arrived to class about 25 minutes early I decided to have a read also, number one to look cool and number two to be informed of the 'craic' around the University! haha
Class started at 11.15am and once I entered the class I was amazed by how high-tech the facilities are, it really is a credit to the University how they can have these facilities available for everyday student use. The class itself held around 20 people although 16 people are in my 'Sports Writing' class. Each student has there own computer all facing the lectureur and above where the lectureur stands is 3 television monitors to show the latest news or sporting events. Class was only a brief introduction which consisted of getting to know everybodys names and a brief rundown of what the course will involve. My lecturer was the Editor at European Broadcaster Bloomberg for 8 years and currently, as well as lecturering at UT he is a freelancer for Formula 1 at ESPN. I'm looking forward to discussing some Formula 1 issues with him. Before the introductry class was over there was still enough time to get some homework, so for the next time I have a Sports Writing class I have to describe my three favourite sporting events of the past year so far, state why I think they were news worthy and describe what significance they had to me, so to call that a homework I was happy enough!
After class I made my way across to the University Centre to buy some books. Me being Northern Irish I was expecting a nice cheap little excursion to the bookstore......I couldn't have been more wrong in total I spent $300 on 7 books, and I still have to purchase one more! Talk about your jaw hitting the ground! After the bookstore I made my way back to the appartment and on my way I met up with a few other International students, they also were complaining about the price of the books. I was enlightened to know after all my complaining about the price of my books that mine were the cheapest to date. Some peoples literature was costing in the region of 500 or 600 need at all.
This week I will upload some pictures and videos of my time here so far. It is more than likely going to be Friday as I am off on Fridays and currently i have no plans so I can spend all day playing about with the camera.

In a bit.


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